Cherishing this Moment

Homeschool with the Carricks, Day 2. Fun "1st Day of School" pictures can happen later, but for now I want to focus on this moment. Because it is about as perfect as it's going to get. 
This year I'm teaching all three of our girls, kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades. And I'm about as nervous as can be. Because last year was HARD. Way harder than I ever thought it could be, at least in elementary grades. We pressed on, but not necessarily joyfully, and it was difficult and stressful and joy-depleting. Time for an attitude adjustment for Crystle!! I KNOW that this is the life I'm called to, and I'm LIVING it, so where is my thankfulness? My children are bright and beautiful and capable, and love to learn, so why am I stripping them of that love just because it doesn't look like it did in my mind? 
This was not the formula for success, and it had to change. So I prayed for a new love and excitement for teaching, a new vision for our home in this season, and a way to reignite love for learning in our girls. It isn't going to be easy, but it IS going to be worth it.
This is why I'm focusing on this moment. Relishing this moment. All three working, all three learning, all three with smiles on their faces. Sure, it's only day 2. But if I remember moments like these it will be easier to see through the foggy, frustrating days the road ahead.
I needed to be still and be thankful. If you're having a rough time, just know that you are not alone. It's hard for me to share these truths about my messy days, because I worry they'll take away from my passionate message about the importance of the life of a stay-at-home and homeschooling mama, but that is a LIE. In reality, they add to the validity. The hard days confirm that you're where you need to be, and they're the ones that grow us. The proof is in the pudding, right? Well, the trying times are where the pudding is made. 😉 
So hang in there, mamas (and dads!), and know you're not alone. If you need encouragement, reach out to someone who is in the same season, or someone who has gone before. They're there. And I'm here, if you want to talk! I'm not perfect, shoot, I'm not even that experienced, but I am certain. Certain of God's grace. Certain of God's strength. And certain that we will get through this, and when we look back at the tapestry of this journey, it's going to be more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, rough days included and especially. 


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