Maybe It's Not Writer's Block...
I've come to discover that the most frustrating thing in the world as a writer isn't necessarily a flat-out writer's block, but rather having a zillion words in your mind and the complete inability to get them down on paper. I can't tell you how many countless times this has happened to me in my book-writing journey. In my mind, I've practically finished, not just the book I'm currently working on, but the entire series! On paper? On my computer? I think I've succeeded in putting down maybe 25,000 words, tops? (For reference, I've found the best way for myself to make it through the editing process is to submit a manuscript that is between 85 and 100 thousand words.) So yeah, I'm not making much progress. And it is driving me insane!
This year in our homeschooling, all three of my girls are at a charter school working with their teacher for a solid 3 hour block every single week. And at first I didn't even know what I was going to do with myself, but then I realized it was a great opportunity to go get some coffee and just WRITE. No interruptions, no parenting, no distractions. Clearly, this is my year. I will finish my book, get it through editing, get it published and printed, and really NAIL this author thing, right?
Instead, for a couple of weeks now, I've sat here with my in-progress manuscript, and just kind of stared at it blankly. No words. I've shuffled and read through my synopsis and outlines, trying to delve back into where my mindset was so I could pick up where I left off last time and really hammer it out. No words. Stupid. Writer's. Block. What am I even doing here?
Just a few minutes ago, I was again, staring frustrated at my still-unfinished book, and feeling like scrapping the whole thing. And then I felt that still, small voice. Not this. Not right now. Pick up the other pen.
You guys, I'm going to level with you. Yes, I know that was the Lord speaking to my heart. But you know what my response was?
Crap. Not that. Really?
Because I knew that He was reminding me that THIS is what I'm supposed to be working on. And this three hour block I get each week for the next 8 months, THAT is the time I've been given to get the hang of it. And I'm thankful, I really am, but as I've stated before, this. is. hard! I love, love, love in-person conversations, but writing as if I'm having one pushes me to the brink of uncomfortable for some reason, and as much as I love it, I hate it. But here's the thing, it's my calling. For some odd reason, this is what I'm called to in this season. To ramble on the page, if you will, and pray that somehow, He uses it for His purpose.
Have you ever run into that? You're working so hard on something only to never get anywhere? And it's not anything bad, and maybe it's even something you're particularly gifted in and aspire to succeed in, but you're not only not succeeding, but you're getting almost paralyzed in your inability to make progress. It's so aggravating, and really honestly, very discouraging. You find yourself questioning everything, which sounds dramatic but is really how it feels. This is your dream! This is your passion! Surely this MUST be your calling, and this MUST be the season!
This lesson is not going to apply to everyone, and it's not even going to apply identically to the ones who do relate, but here it is: maybe it's not writer's block...maybe, just maybe, it's disobedience. (Insert whatever you're dealing with for writing in that, the message is the same.) It hurts to think that in pursuing something that is so worthwhile we may be disobeying our calling in that moment, but it could quite possibly be true, and the sooner we realize it, the sooner we can step back, and ask the Lord to speak to us individually, and guide us to what we are meant to be doing, what we will not only make progress in, but actually succeed.
Maybe you can't relate to this because you're completely on track with where your life is meant to go. If so, I am amazed and inspired by you. You're who the rest of us are looking to as an example, and I applaud and appreciate you! Maybe you're in that place where you know what you need to switch your focus to, and you're working on making that change. If so, I am amazed and inspired by you, too! Because it isn't easy! There is a lot of pride that has to be laid down in order to walk that out, but the payoff is so very worth it. Maybe you're stuck dealing with that "writer's block" that I'm talking about, and you just aren't sure if it's a need to switch gears, or just an actual block that you need to keep steady at the plow in order to get through. I'm praying for you and believing you will not only get your answer, but the success you're meant to achieve. I'm right here with you and cheering you on, with encouragement or advice, and I promise to listen, and be real with you.
God's got you, so you've got this, whatever your 'this' may be.
This year in our homeschooling, all three of my girls are at a charter school working with their teacher for a solid 3 hour block every single week. And at first I didn't even know what I was going to do with myself, but then I realized it was a great opportunity to go get some coffee and just WRITE. No interruptions, no parenting, no distractions. Clearly, this is my year. I will finish my book, get it through editing, get it published and printed, and really NAIL this author thing, right?
Instead, for a couple of weeks now, I've sat here with my in-progress manuscript, and just kind of stared at it blankly. No words. I've shuffled and read through my synopsis and outlines, trying to delve back into where my mindset was so I could pick up where I left off last time and really hammer it out. No words. Stupid. Writer's. Block. What am I even doing here?
Just a few minutes ago, I was again, staring frustrated at my still-unfinished book, and feeling like scrapping the whole thing. And then I felt that still, small voice. Not this. Not right now. Pick up the other pen.
You guys, I'm going to level with you. Yes, I know that was the Lord speaking to my heart. But you know what my response was?
Crap. Not that. Really?
Because I knew that He was reminding me that THIS is what I'm supposed to be working on. And this three hour block I get each week for the next 8 months, THAT is the time I've been given to get the hang of it. And I'm thankful, I really am, but as I've stated before, this. is. hard! I love, love, love in-person conversations, but writing as if I'm having one pushes me to the brink of uncomfortable for some reason, and as much as I love it, I hate it. But here's the thing, it's my calling. For some odd reason, this is what I'm called to in this season. To ramble on the page, if you will, and pray that somehow, He uses it for His purpose.
Have you ever run into that? You're working so hard on something only to never get anywhere? And it's not anything bad, and maybe it's even something you're particularly gifted in and aspire to succeed in, but you're not only not succeeding, but you're getting almost paralyzed in your inability to make progress. It's so aggravating, and really honestly, very discouraging. You find yourself questioning everything, which sounds dramatic but is really how it feels. This is your dream! This is your passion! Surely this MUST be your calling, and this MUST be the season!
This lesson is not going to apply to everyone, and it's not even going to apply identically to the ones who do relate, but here it is: maybe it's not writer's block...maybe, just maybe, it's disobedience. (Insert whatever you're dealing with for writing in that, the message is the same.) It hurts to think that in pursuing something that is so worthwhile we may be disobeying our calling in that moment, but it could quite possibly be true, and the sooner we realize it, the sooner we can step back, and ask the Lord to speak to us individually, and guide us to what we are meant to be doing, what we will not only make progress in, but actually succeed.
Maybe you can't relate to this because you're completely on track with where your life is meant to go. If so, I am amazed and inspired by you. You're who the rest of us are looking to as an example, and I applaud and appreciate you! Maybe you're in that place where you know what you need to switch your focus to, and you're working on making that change. If so, I am amazed and inspired by you, too! Because it isn't easy! There is a lot of pride that has to be laid down in order to walk that out, but the payoff is so very worth it. Maybe you're stuck dealing with that "writer's block" that I'm talking about, and you just aren't sure if it's a need to switch gears, or just an actual block that you need to keep steady at the plow in order to get through. I'm praying for you and believing you will not only get your answer, but the success you're meant to achieve. I'm right here with you and cheering you on, with encouragement or advice, and I promise to listen, and be real with you.
God's got you, so you've got this, whatever your 'this' may be.
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