Cherishing this Moment
Homeschool with the Carricks, Day 2. Fun "1st Day of School" pictures can happen later, but for now I want to focus on this moment. Because it is about as perfect as it's going to get. • This year I'm teaching all three of our girls, kindergarten, 2nd, and 4th grades. And I'm about as nervous as can be. Because last year was HARD. Way harder than I ever thought it could be, at least in elementary grades. We pressed on, but not necessarily joyfully, and it was difficult and stressful and joy-depleting. Time for an attitude adjustment for Crystle!! I KNOW that this is the life I'm called to, and I'm LIVING it, so where is my thankfulness? My children are bright and beautiful and capable, and love to learn, so why am I stripping them of that love just because it doesn't look like it did in my mind? • This was not the formula for success, and it had to change. So I prayed for a new love and excitement for teaching, a new vision for our home i...