I Come Running
I don't know where to begin. First of all, can I just say that it's been WAY too long since I sat down to write? I realize that it's my fault, but admitting it is the first step, right? ;) Anyway, since it has been such a long time, this is kind of like starting all over again, and frankly, I'm a little nervous. So here I go anyway. I've preached it for a long time, and really have believed it to the best of my capacity each time, that God doesn't do anything by mistake or coincidence. I do believe that He orchestrates everything. That isn't to say (or open up dialog to say) that He orchestrates disasters or death by man's hand at all, but that He isn't unaware of what is going on and He isn't absent from it if we reach out to Him. That is what the Bible says is true, that is what I've always believed to be true, and that is what I've found proven to be true in my own life. To put it as simply as a wordy girl like myself can: If you co...