Hello and welcome to my little world! I'm very nervous and excited to start this blog! It's something I've felt like I was supposed to do for a while now but kept putting it off with the good old "I just don't have the time" excuse. (Justifiable somewhat considering I just became a stay-at-home mom of a 2 1/2 year old and nearly 4 year old and I'm pregnant with #3, but an excuse just the same.) Funny, isn't it, that the things we know we should be doing seem to wind up the easiest to put off until another day. And me - being a writer practically since I learned how to put a pen to paper - this should be like breathing to me. And yet it is not. Yesterday I finally got myself in gear. Sort of. I got everything set up and then decided once again to put off writing my first "official" blog entry. Later, however, while I was reading my Bible, I heard that wonderful still small Voice say to me, "Yes, but since when has time kept you from...